Lego Cake

Lego Cake
Ricardo approached me with a challenge- Franklyn, his son, was approaching his 3rd birthday, and he wanted a LEGO-themed cake. After asking a few questions, I found that Franklyn's LEGO theme was city police; also, he loved chocolate and vanilla cake.
I brainstormed LEGO ideas and what makes so them unique to kids and adults? I jotted down a few reasons, and this one struck out the most-

LEGO is about building an environment. You can create a story from your imagination, or you can choose to follow a set of instructions. So! why not set a scene where Franklyn 'builds' his own action scene and completes the cake?

Whilst the idea was clear, the challenges lay ahead-
  • Lego is brightly coloured. How do I accomplish this with ONLY natural colours?
  • How will I structure the cake to look like buildings?
  • Small secret; I'm not great a fondant.
Here's what I came up with:
  • I naturally coloured the icing with ingredients such as freeze-dried raspberries, turmeric and blue spirulina, but I had to be careful they don't overpower the flavour of the cake.
  • The vanilla cake was iced with vanilla frosting and studded with crunchy milk chocolate pearls. It had to be sturdy enough to be 6 layers tall. I shaped the blocks on a lego base plate to mimic the LEGO scene and created roofs from the offcuts of the cake buildings.
  • Instead of fondant, I tempered chocolate then used it to mould and shape the LEGO-style blocks and cut the shapes for the columns and signage for the buildings.

To top it off, I created a "secret document" file where Franklyn had to build the policeman's car and choose a scene or make up his own to position the Robber. Whilst the hours of planning took up to 2 weeks, the construction took 3 full days from sourcing out the toys, the base plate up until finishing off the secret file.
The best part? Seeing Franklyn's reaction to the cake.

Birthday Boy Lego Cake CelebratingBirthday Boy Lego Cake CuttingLego Cake Work in Progesswork in progress

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